Fuel consumption monitoring
track machines with diesel engines

Fuel consumption monitoring
track machines with diesel engines
Customer: Latvian Railroad track (part of Latvian Railways)
Task: Fuel consumption monitoring
Machinery: Track machines with diesel engines
Solution: DFM fuel flow meter and offline terminal
Result: 20 % fuel consumption economy on track machines,
10 % productivity improvement of machinery
The Customer
Latvian Railways (Valsts akciju sabiedrība “Latvijas dzelzceļš”) – is the national state railway company of Latvia. Company was founded in 1919 and reinstated in 1994. Company serves the railway network of the country.
Railroad track (Latvijas dzelzceļš Ceļu distance) – is structural subdivision of the company. Subdivision’s tasks are: permanent monitoring of condition of railway, railroad switches and engineering structures, assessment of their conformity with safety requirements and determination of train speed.
17+ million passengers per year
55+ million tons of cargo per year
2000+ km of railway lines
10+ million km of cargo transportation per year
200+ diesel locomotives
40+ thousand tons of diesel fuel consumption per year
The Machinery
The rolling stock of Latvijas dzelzceļš Ceļu distance consists mainly of track machines. They are used for maintenance and cleaning of tracks, cleaning and cutting ditches and other current maintenance work.
The rolling stock consists of track handcars DKGY, track machines WM-15S12, shunting diesel locomotives TEM2, ballast distributing machines BDS-200, straightening machines Dynamic 09-3X and Duomatic 08-32, gravel planers USP 2005-SW and other machineries.
The Task
Track machines are equipped with diesel engines: JaMS 238, Deutz 6F, Deutz 6M, Deutz BF8M1015CP, Deutz TCD2015V8/1483, Deutz TCD 2015, Caterpillar 3412E. Engines power – 150…400 h.p., working volume – 6…14 L.
Machineries are used in difficult circumstances. It is common to solve urgent and responsible tasks related to safety of railway traffic, despite of the weather and time of day. Working day can be non-standardized.
Such operation mode increases fuel consumption significantly. Continuous operation in difficult circumstances also increases scope of maintenance work of machine components and aggregates. All this leads to operation costs increase and profitability reduction of company.
Latvijas dzelzceļš Ceļu distance decided to equip track machines with fuel consumption monitoring system. This system should provide fuel consumption and operation time monitoring in real time, as well as processing and visualization of received data.
The Solution
Fuel consumption monitoring system includes DFM fuel flow meters and offline terminal CKPT 31.
DFM fuel flow meters are mounted into fuel supply line and allow measuring actual fuel consumption. Each flow meter registers operation time of engine in various operation modes and also registers interferences into system.
DFM fuel flow meters solve the problem of fuel consumption and operating time monitoring (in different operation modes: idle, optimal, overload).
CKPT 31 offline terminal unit registers data on fuel consumption and operation time in non-volatile memory. Monitored parameters are displayed on terminal, which is placed on board of track machine. Then information is sent to PC via Bluetooth. Specialized software allows to generate analytical reports on fuel and engine operating time in text or graphical form.
Ekaterina Mandryk-Kula,
Technoton Baltic
"DFM fuel flow meter is reliable device for fuel consumption monitoring. Technoton produces wide range of flow meters for all kinds of vehicles. One-chamber (DFM 100AK, DFM 500AK) and differential fuel flow meters (DFM 250D, DFM 500D) were mounted on track machines, depending on engine specification and fuel consumption."
The Result
For four months while DFM are in operation, fuel economy reached 20 %. Fuel consumption monitoring system, based on DFM fuel flow meters and CKPT 31 offline terminals showed high measurement accuracy and trouble-free operation.
Robust construction of DFM fuel flow meters ensures performance even in harsh environment. Flow meter is protected from unauthorized tampering and manipulations.
Analytical reports on fuel and engine operating time, generated from data received from offline terminal CKPT 31, allow top management to decide on the ways of increasing efficiency of machinery. During operation of fuel consumption monitoring system, performance of machines increased by 10 %.
Vladlen Maakedons,
Latvijas dzelzceļš Ceļu distance
“Technoton products are ideally suited for railway equipment, which is used in harsh environment. Flow meters are highly reliability and show stable performance. In our opinion, and taking in account operation experience, fuel consumption monitoring system, based on DFM fuel flow meters and offline terminal CKPT 31 is the most reliable and accurate solution on the market.
Latvijas dzelzceļš Ceļu distance is planning to install Technoton products on other track machines.”