Wireless fuel level sensor

DUT-E S7 wireless sensor allows measuring current fuel volume and its changes in a fuel tank. DUT-E S7 is used as a part of vehicle telematics system (GPS vehicle tracking system) and provides reliable information on remaining fuel volume, fuel tank fill-up and draining volumes and helps fleets to set up clear fuel accounting and prevent fuel theft from vehicle’s tank. DUT-E S7 wireless fuel level sensor is also used for fuel level monitoring in stationary tanks.

Wireless data transfer is carried out using S7 Technology via BLE channel. BLE signal from DUT-E S7 can be received by compatible vehicle tracking unit (telematics unit) and/or any Android device.

DUT-E S7 can also be used as a “night watchman” to alert driver on fuel theft from vehicle’s tank, for example, when resting at night parking.

Wireless tank level sensor


Monitoring of fuel tank fuelling and draining
Fuel theft detection
Fuel usage monitoring

Advantages of DUT-E S7

  • wireless data transfer using S7 Technology via BLE (Bluetooth 4.X Low Energy);
  • operation in BLE-radio mode without pairing with receiver – simultaneous data transfer to telematics unit, smartphones, tablets with Bluetooth
  • built-in battery – DUT-E S7 works without external power supply;
  • very low power consumption allows autonomous operation of sensor within 5…10 years;
  • explosion protection confirmed by “On the Safety of Equipment for Operation in Explosive Environment

No cable

Explosion- and fire-safety of sensor.

No cable

Quick installation of sensor and telematics unit.

No cable

Increased resistance to vandalism.

DUT-E S7 has all the advantages of “classical” DUT-E fuel level sensor models:

  • shortening/extending length of measuring probe;
  • bottom spring for higher rigidity of mounting into tank;
  • screen filter for probe protection from water and mud in a tank;
  • digital self-diagnostics feature for sensor operation quality check;
  • automatic compensation of ambient temperature effect on sensor’s parts.
  • holes for sealing sensor in order to avoid unauthorized dismounting;
  • bayonet mounting plate allows to reduce mounting time;
  • ergonomic grooves for comfortable grip when fastening in bayonet mounting;
  • full set of mounting accessories;
  • conformity with European and national automotive standards.

Fuel Tank Monitor smartphone app

Fuel Tank Monitor app is used for displaying accurate fuel level, volume, temperature and notifications on fuel tank fill-up or fuel draining from tank. All settings for particular DUT-E S7 sensors are stored in the app and can be exported / imported to another device.


Checking fuel volume refill at gas station; Quick check of current fuel volume in tank; Getting alarms on fuel theft from tank.

Fleet manager

Checking and recording fuel volume in vehicle tank when transferring vehicle from one driver to another


Fuel Tank Monitor app features:

  • displaying information about the sensors (serial number, firmware version, address within S7 network);
  • saving and uploading sensor profile to / from other android devices;
  • keeping fuel level sensor’ “Empty” / “Full” calibration parameters;
  • keeping fuel tank calibration table;
  • display notifications on fuel tank fill-up / discharging;
  • fuel level sensor self-diagnostics information;
  • data logging from DUT-E S7 fuel level sensor
  • function of automatic defining the remaining distance of the route;
  • function of summation of the fuel volume indications of the specified group of sensors;
  • data display in metric/USC systems of units of measurement;
  • function of automatic defining the time left before the tank is full during fuelling;
  • separate configuration of functions of the Events detection: “Fuelling”, “Discharging” and others.

Estimated lifetime of the sensor (battery life), years 5…10*
Fuel level sensor operating principle Capacitive
Wireless data transfer interface Bluetooth 5.X
Tx Power, dBm +4
Rx sensitivity, dBm -88
Maximum distance between sensor and receiver, m 10…20
(when mounted on a vehicle or inside a building)
not less 50
(when mounted within line-of-sight)
Standard probe length, mm 700, 1000 (can be manufactured up to 3000 mm on request)
Data transfer interval, s  5
Number of simultaneous BLE-signal receivers Any number in DUT-E S7 operation range
Temperature range, °C -30…+80

*Depending on ambient temperature.

BLE module activation

DUT-E S7 has the following 3 modes of operation, which are defined by BLE-module state:

  • “Safekeeping” — in this mode DUT-E S7 is kept from the date of production. BLE-module of the sensor is deactivated, no signal is sent;
  • “Technological” — limited functionality mode, enabled only for serial number and firmware version check through S7 app.
    To activate Technological mode, touch sensor head’s cap with permanent magnet (see figure 9 a). After 4 hours or after re-touch of cap with the magnet, BLE-module of the sensor will switch back into Safekeeping mode.
  • “Working” – full functionality operation mode of DUT-E S7. “Working” operation mode is enabled when installing the sensor into a fuel tank. After enabling this operation mode, it becomes possible to adjust configurations related to a particular sensor and monitor its values using Service DUT-E S7.

In “Working” mode, BLE-module of DUT-E S7 becomes active for the remaining lifetime of the sensor without possibility of switching to any other mode.
To enable “Working” mode, small screwdriver and permanent magnet should be used. A screwdriver should touch both tubes (i.e. make a short circuit of measuring probe) and permanent magnet should touch sensor head’s cap.


Estimated lifetime of the sensor (battery life), years 5…10*
Fuel level sensor operating principle Capacitive
Wireless data transfer interface Bluetooth 4.X
Tx Power, dBm +4
Rx sensitivity, dBm -88
Maximum distance between sensor and receiver, m 10…20 (when mounted on a vehicle or inside a building) not less 50 (when mounted within line-of-sight)
Standard probe length, mm 700, 1000 (can be manufactured up to 3000 mm on request)
Data transfer interval, s 5
Number of simultaneous BLE-signal receivers Any number in DUT-E S7 operation range
Temperature range, °C -30…+80
*Depending on ambient temperature.

BLE module activation

DUT-E S7 has the following 3 modes of operation, which are defined by BLE-module state:

  • “Safekeeping” — in this mode DUT-E S7 is kept from the date of production. BLE-module of the sensor is deactivated, no signal is sent;
  • “Technological” — limited functionality mode, enabled only for serial number and firmware version check through S7 app.
    To activate Technological mode, touch sensor head’s cap with permanent magnet (see figure 9 a). After 4 hours or after re-touch of cap with the magnet, BLE-module of the sensor will switch back into Safekeeping mode.
  • “Working” – full functionality operation mode of DUT-E S7. “Working” operation mode is enabled when installing the sensor into a fuel tank. After enabling this operation mode, it becomes possible to adjust configurations related to a particular sensor and monitor its values using Service DUT-E S7.

In “Working” mode, BLE-module of DUT-E S7 becomes active for the remaining lifetime of the sensor without possibility of switching to any other mode.
To enable “Working” mode, small screwdriver and permanent magnet should be used. A screwdriver should touch both tubes (i.e. make a short circuit of measuring probe) and permanent magnet should touch sensor head’s cap.


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